Saturday, February 12, 2005

Notes 1/20/2005

For our memory purposes, things that are most memorable are repellant and repugnant.

This semester we will discuss MEMORY, MYTH, ORALITY AND LITERACY.

*Google the "orality and literacy debate" see what you find and respond to that information.
*Understand the Ong text and then challenge it. Find places where you think his argument fails to convince you. Use your Googled info to help you there.

*Sean Kane- we need to hold him suspect because he so strongly believes in the superiority of orality yet is writing a book and is obviously a very literate guy. Is he too sentimental about oral culture?
*Literacy as contamination
*Wisdom of the Mythtellers is out myth text. Each group will have one chapter in it to explain to the class.
*Write a journal entry about childhood/pre-litarcy as an oral culture.

*We will attempt feats of memoy throughout the semester intended to impress your friends and confound your enemies. :O)


Group 1- Maps chapter
Group 2- Boundary chapter
Group 3- Dream chapter
Group 4- Complementarity chapter
Group 5- Tradtion chapter
Group 6- Context chapter